
The library databases provide access to academic or scholarly journals. 

First, go to the Databases page.  

Select Academic Search Premier, Science in Context or SIRS Researcher.

Begin your search by typing your keyword(s).  

In Academic Search Premier, the sidebar provides a way to filter only academic journals.  Place a checkmark next to the option to reveal only academic journals.


With Science in Context, a toolbar at the top of the search results provides a link to only Academic Journals.


In SIRS Researcher, the left sidebar provides a way to narrow your results to Scholarly Journals.


Now, you might be wondering about the differences between scholarly journals and academic journals.

Some sources use these terms interchangeably.  Others (like Academic Search Premier) have two separate categories.

"EBSCO defines academic journals as journals that publish articles which carry footnotes and bibliographies, and whose intended audience is comprised of some kind of research community." (EBSCO) This includes peer-reviewed and not peer-reviewed journals.  

Scholarly journals refer to only peer-reviewed journals.  

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