Yes! If you see that another BV school library has a book that you would like, you can place a hold on it through the library catalog. Once we receive the item, we will send you a Canvas notification that your hold is ready for you to pick up in the library. If the item isn't picked up within one week, it will be returned. 

**Please note that it may take a few days for us to receive the item from the owning library.**

Instructions for how to place a hold are below:

  1. Go to our library catalog and click “log in” in the top right hand corner of the screen.  You should automatically be logged in once you click this.
  2. Find the book you want and click “Place Hold.”
  3. Choose "Blue Valley Southwest Library" as your pick up location.
  4. Click "Place Hold."
  5. Keep an eye out for a Canvas message that your item is ready to be picked up in the library.
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